Adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services

Adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services
Adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions -SustES
The Adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions -SustES project develops a state of the art methods and tools for national as well as local adaptation pathways design for the Czech Republic and Central East Europe. It answers to the urgency of prioritizing agronomy research that allows mankind to produce sufficient amounts of high quality food in a sustainable way is driven by multiple reasons, with three of them appearing to be most urgent:
First, there is a global need of increasing food production by 60-70% until 2050 to feed over nine billion inhabitants.
Second, there will most likely be less water and energy available in the future than is used today as agriculture is under pressure to decrease its water, carbon and energy footprints to become sustainable in the long term.
Third, the effects of ongoing climate change with a distinct warming trend across the globe is already leading to changes in the distribution of hydroclimatic variability, while uncertainty remains in the relationship between global warming and the frequency and severity of extremes.
Provide a holistic solution in the form of strategic pathways for adapting the Czech Republic (and Central Europe) to be able to deliver ecosystem services in a sustainable way, while maintaining food security in the region taking into account global change.
The main outcomes related to my contribution in the project are :
- Developed the regional Global Biosphere Management Model for the Czech Republic – GLOBIOM-CZE
- High-impact journal publications the new model and providing alternative scenarios of the Czech agricultural landscape under climate change with and without adaptation strategies
- Workshops on the use and results of the GLOBIOM-CZE
As part of WP4, I am in charge of calibrating, validating and developing GLOBIOM-CZE for assessing climate change adaptation strategies to be able to deliver ecosystem services in a sustainable way while maintaning food security in the reunion and Europe.
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